Mission Main Street Grant

Mission Main Street Grants

Monday, November 25, 2013

Top 6 Turkey Day Tips To Make Your Thanksgiving Easier

The day is finally here. The infamous Thursday. Thanksgiving. You’re rushing around the house trying to get everything done before your family arrives from the airport. You have so many things going on your head might just explode! Here are a few helpful hints to make your day easier and delicious!

1. Be prepared. Start with your turkey. It’s the most important part of the meal so why not treat it as such? Try to get get it done early, about an hour before you plan on sitting down to eat then put all your sides in the oven to keep them warm.

2. Use every last drop. Don’t know what to do with those turkey drippings from the bottom of your pan? The best place for those drippings is your gravy. It adds delicious flavor that everybody will love!

3. Make the best mashed potatoes. Some people might say mashed potatoes are the best part of Thanksgiving. So, take your time and make them right. The best mashed potatoes are made with a ricer or foley food mill.

4. Get as much done ahead of time as you can. Lay your buffet out the night before(or even a few days before). Label all of your serving dishes and serving utensils with sticky note so you know exactly where everything will go.

5. Get your pies ready. As you begin to serve your meal, turn off your oven and pop your pies inside. This will warm them up so they’re ready to go when you finish your meal. What better way to end a meal than with warm pie?

6. Maximize your space. Don’t have enough room in your oven for all your sides? Break out the summer coolers and put warmed side dishes in there. Without the ice, coolers have the opposite effect on your food and are a great place to keep things warm.

*Bonus Tip*

The best addition to turkey is football. They are the two components that are key to making your Thanksgiving a great day.

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